12 Retch Corp (OTCMKTS: RETC) Launches Retail Showcase Lexi-Luu with E-commerce Solutions Integrating their Platform Technology
Today 12 Retch Corp (OTCMKTS: RETC) announced a revamped website that is using the Shopify e-commerce platform to integrate with its own platform called “12 Online Solutions.” The push behind this is to improve the retail performance at its own store Lexi-Luu, but the ulterior motive is to use this as a showcase store to demonstrate the power and success of the technology. Lexi-Luu Dancewear is an e-commerce site for shopper to buy dance clothing catering to young girls involved in dance. In the press release the company said
“the new site features “best of category” practices that many successful online stores utilize, including rich content, fast checkout and multiple checkout solutions as well as Google analytics.”
There is more to the 12 Retch Corp (OTCMKTS: RETC) story than just a website. There seems to be artificial intelligence calling the shots using machine learning to match content with the viewers demographic. Since it takes is analytics from Facebook, Instagram, Google, Snapchat and other it is able to attract, and engage shoppers and convert them into buyers.
When consumers walk into the newly branded Lexi Luu store the downloadable app allows them to keep in touch with the consumer and seamless integrates with all their other social media platforms.
Ashley Tomaszewski, VP of Digital Marketing at Emotion Fashion Brands which is a wholly owned subsidiary of RETC commented, “when properly implemented, 12 ReTech’s “12 Online Solutions” delivers the ability to affect shopper behavior by collecting real time data and utilizing predictive analytics to deliver relevant content to each individual shopper via web and mobile channels. The purpose of these advanced tools is to get shoppers to stay longer on an e-commerce site and raise conversion levels.
The key to the success of this platform revolves around make a fun an enriching experience for the kids to buy their dance apparel. The notion behind the push is what kid doesn’t want to be a dance star? They want you to have fun shopping and take lots of pictures and try lots of clothes on. Through social media these pictures will filter their way to the target demographic and that is where the power of social media kicks in to drive sales. Having perfect models pose in an outfit is one thing but seeing your friend in an outfit evokes an emotional response and that is exactly what the platform is trying to trigger.
Angelo Ponzetta, Chief Executive Officer of 12 ReTech commented, “Our technology is designed to attract shoppers to our retailers and convert them into buyers. We are constantly adding new innovations to our offerings which are designed around these concepts. We understand that it’s not just about technology, it’s also about content that is innovative and engaging while fully utilizing the power of today’s technology.”
Mr. Ponzetta continued, “Look for 12 ReTech to create technology that make it easier for shoppers to purchase goods from our retailers. Amazon created “One-Click” to reduce online shopping cart abandonment. We will soon be discussing our own e-commerce innovations that make it easier for new shoppers to become buyers!”
Hub Blanchette, CEO of Emotion Fashion Brands said, “The 12 ReTech Team continues to be amazing to work with! They have resources that we could never have reached on our own. We have made fantastic progress in all aspects of our business in a short amount of time.”
Mr. Blanchette continued, “To celebrate the launch of our new Online Store, Lexi-Luu is offering a 38% discount site-wide to everyone for two whole days! Our wholesale customers and distributors are encouraged to contact us for special deals for them to stock up for the Holidays!”
The company is launching at the perfect time of the year to test its new advertising platform. If they get traffic and prove the model out this retail season there is still time for retailer’s to implement this in their stores because it’s so scalable. The names behind the company are seasoned retail veterans that appear to be taking on the sweet spot of the market in the young girls dance market niche.
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