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Disruption Erupt in El Salvador Over Bitcoin Legalization By CoinQuora


© Reuters. Disruption Erupt in El Salvador Over Bitcoin Legalization
  • Mass march against El Salvador’s president Nayib Bukele.
  • Thousands protest against adoption as legal tender in El Salvador.
  • Vandals destroyed ATM machines that allow Bitcoin transactions.

El Salvador is in a state of anarchy over its Bitcoin adoption during the nation’s Independence Day. Protesters took to the streets of El Salvador to demonstrate displeasure with the country’s latest authorization of Bitcoin as a legal tender.

The internet has been abuzz with news about the protestors against Bitcoin causing chaos in El Salvador. The video footage below shows demonstrators entering San Salvador waving signs that read: “No to Bitcoin,” “resistance and popular rebellion against the Bukele Regiment,” and “no to corrupt money laundering”.

In light of the protest, Bi…

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