The 10 fastest-growing jobs of the next decade—and how much they pay
The Covid-19 pandemic has radically shifted the work landscape, as millions of Americans switched career paths or said goodbye to the office forever. While U.S. employment will experience stunted growth over the next 10 years, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reports, certain jobs will be soaring in demand.
According to a new analysis from the BLS, the U.S. will add 11.9 million jobs through 2030, many in industries that were hit hardest by the pandemic. About 1.5 million new jobs are expected to be created by 2030 in food preparation, service and related jobs such as servers, chefs and employees at fast-food restaurants.
Top of the list of most-in-demand occupations for the next 10 years was the job of wind turbine service technicians. That group is predicted to increase by 68.2%. Others in this ranking are classified into three types: health care, data, and renewable energy. Interest in wind and solar energy has skyrocketed as installation costs drop and more countries prioritize reducing their carbon emissions, Bureau of Labor Statistics Division Chief Michael Wolf tells CNBC Make It.
Other occupations, such as information security analysts and data scientists, will become more popular as people continue to work from home and online. Wolf notes that companies will invest in more software and other systems to enable their workers to work remotely. There is also a greater emphasis placed on online data protection.
Wolf says that the demand for this industry is driven not by the unprecedented health care needs of the pandemic, but rather by the aging population. He says that the baby boomer generation has grown significantly more than other generations and is now in their 60s and 70s when they are more dependent on health care services. We’ll see an increase in people using these services.
Wolf predicts that as the nation’s population ages, the labor participation rate of the country will decrease and less young workers (those aged 16-24) take up work. Wolf points out that people are entering the labour force later than they used to because of an increase in people choosing post-high school and post-secondary education. It used to be more common to hold a part time job in high school and college. But now it is more common to study full-time while also working.
While the longer-term outlook is promising, the U.S. jobs market faces more immediate difficulties as Covid-19 lawsuits disrupt economic recovery. After solid job growth in July, the economy has slowed, adding just 235,000 positions in August, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. This number is significantly lower than what economists predicted at 720,000.
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