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People evacuated on Spanish island of La Palma after volcano eruption warning By Reuters


© Reuters. Photo taken in El Paso (Canary Island, La Palma), Spain on September 19, 2021 of a vehicle that has loudspeakers for warning neighbours. REUTERS/Borja Suarez


By Borja Suarez

LA PALMA, Spain (Reuters) – Around 40 people with mobility problems and some farm animals on the Spanish island of La Palma were evacuated to safer areas on Sunday after scientists warned of the rising risk of a volcanic eruption.

According to the Spanish National Geographical Institute, scientists recorded an earthquake series measuring 3.8 magnitude at the Cumbre Vieja National Park in the southern part of the island.

According to the Canary Islands government, vulnerable persons and farm animals were evacuated out of Las Manchas and Fuencaliente and El Remo, La Bombilla and El Remo, respectively. However, yellow alert remains in effect on the island, which is the lowest level among a quartet.

According to the defense ministry, solders were deployed for the rescue.

There has not been an order to evacuate all 35,000 inhabitants living close to the volcano.

The magma pushing towards the surface is causing more earthquakes. A spokesperson for the Canary Islands Volcanology Institute said that there is more chance of an eruption.

After scientists recorded a series of 4,000 tremors, authorities declared a yellow alert for eruption on Sept. 14 [L8N2QJ3E2]

Authorities on Friday advised people in those areas to prepare an emergency backpack with vital supplies and a mobile phone in case an evacuation is ordered.

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