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Wall Street Rebounds at Open; China Nerves Ease as Fed Gathers; Dow up 180 Pts By


© Reuters.

By Geoffrey Smith — U.S. stock markets opened higher on Tuesday, rebounding from their worst day in months on Monday as nerves about the Chinese real estate debt crisis eased. 

Sentiment was also supported by better-than-expected data on the housing market. Housing starts and building permits for August both came in above expectations, albeit not by enough to cause any acceleration in the  Federal Reserve’s timeline for running down its asset purchases or raising interest rates. This Tuesday’s Fed policy meeting will be the Fed’s last two-day.

By 9:45 AM ET (1345 GMT), the was up 232 points, or 0.7%, at 34,202 points. The was up 0.5% and the was up 0.6%.

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