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North Carolina man who made bomb threat near Capitol pleads not guilty By Reuters


© Reuters. FILE PHOTO A police officer who was a riot cop stands by during the support rally for the defendants in the attack on Capitol that took place in Washington, U.S.A, January 6, 2021. REUTERS/Elizabeth Frantz/File Photo

By Sarah N. Lynch

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – A North Carolina man facing criminal charges after claiming he had a bomb in his truck parked near the U.S. Capitol pleaded not guilty on Wednesday, after a federal judge declared he is mentally competent to stand trial.

Floyd Ray Roseberry is charged with using a weapon or mass destruction, and making threats of explosive material.

The threat he made, which he streamed live from his Facebook account (NASDAQ:), led to more than five hours of stand-off between police and Roseberry. In the video, he said the “revolution’s on.”

Roseberry said that he was ready to “die for the cause”.

Roseberry was ordered to undergo a competency evaluation in August, after he told U.S. Magistrate Judge Zia Faruqui he could not understand the legal proceedings against him because he had not been able to take medications for his blood pressure and his “mind.”

Faruqui stated Wednesday that Dr. Teresa Grant (forensic psychologist who had been reviewing Roseberry) has recently concluded his competency.

Her previous evaluation had shown that Roseberry was incompetent because the correct medications had been given to him.

Faruqui claimed that Grant had given Faruqui a September 20 evaluation and that “the new medication regimen had stabilized his symptoms.”

Roseberry will not be pleading guilty to criminal charges according to David Bos, Roseberry’s court appointed lawyer.

Bos said that Roseberry may be released from pre-trial confinement.

Bos said to the judge that he didn’t know if there was a release program. With the assistance of Dr. Grant we hope to create one.

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