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Nonghyup Bank Invest in Digital Asset Custody Business Cardo By CoinQuora


Nonghyup Bank Invest in Digital Asset Custody Business Cardo
  • Nonghyup Bank CEO invested in the digital asset custody business.
  • Cardo was the beneficiary of a strategic equity capital investment by the bank.
  • The service named ‘Vault Custody’ can entrust , , and Clay.

Kwon Jun-Hak (CEO of Nonghyup Bank) stated that Nonghyup Bank joined the digital assets custody industry, just like Shinhan and Kookmin. In addition, Nonghyup Bank made strategic equity investments in Cardo, which is a digital asset-custodian company.

Vault Custody was also given its name. The trust currently holds Bitcoin, Ethereum and Clay.

At the same time, Nonghyup Bank said:

Three firms including Galaxy Armory, Korea Information Communication, and Hexlant, which signed a ‘business deal for service in digital asset business in July, and ‘Aton,’ a fintech security firm, engaged in equity investment did.


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