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WHO chief expects collaboration of China, others on virus origins follow-up By Reuters


© Reuters. FILEPHOTO: Tedros Adhanom Gabreyesus, WHO Director General, addresses a media conference at the end of a ceremony marking the opening the WHO Academy. This was held in Lyon, France on September 27, 2021. REUTERS/Denis Balibouse REFILE – CORRECTING EVENT

GENEVA (Reuters) – The head of the World Health Organization said on Tuesday that he expected all countries, including China, to collaborate in the second phase of a probe into the origins of the coronavirus after an initial mission to China.

Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus (WHO director-general) stated at an event in Geneva on trade and COVID-19 that he was hopeful that the next phase would be started as soon as possible.

He reiterated his support for an international pandemic response and preparedness treaty. He said, “The whole world needs a framework.”

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