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United Airlines CEO says vaccine mandate won’t impact operations By Reuters


© Reuters. FILE PHOTO A United Airlines passenger plane takes off, with New York City in the background, at Newark Liberty International Airport (New Jersey), U.S. Dec 6, 2019. REUTERS/Chris Helgren

CHICAGO (Reuters) – United Airlines does not expect its vaccine mandate to impact the company’s operations, Chief Executive Scott Kirby (NYSE:) told CNBC on Wednesday.

These comments were made a day after United airlines announced it was going to fire 593 people who had not adhered with the company’s vaccination policies.

United claimed that the airline has been receiving requests to exempt vaccines from religious and medical grounds. This is less than 3% percent of its US workforce.

Employees who were granted religious exemptions would be allowed to take unpaid, temporary personal leave starting Oct. 2. The company’s plans to give employees who received religious exemptions temporary, unpaid personal leave starting Oct. 2 have been halted due to a legal challenge.

Kirby stated that the changes will only affect a small percentage of employees, and they are unlikely to have an impact on the airline’s operations.

He said, “We’ve planned and prepared so that we can confidently manage a strong operation.”

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