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Day trading your favorite sports team By Cointelegraph


Fans tokens: Trade your favourite sports team’s day trading stock

Fans are being separated from their clubs and stadiums by the epidemic. Fan tokens have been a big part of the game and help teams to generate revenue. They also bring people together.

To create a creepy, but well-intentioned facade of normality in the pandemic, some stadium seats have been filled with fan paper. However the gap between teams and their supporters has increased. The solution lies in the use of sports fan tokens. Many fans feel more connected to their team’s teams through fan tokens.

Fans tokens have taken the sport world by storm. (Pexels).

Passive to active

Fungible fan tokens

Fan tokens are they a legal way to include fans in clubs? Or is it a money-making exercise? (Pexels).

Concerns for fans

Lions’ share tokens are club equity

Are you interested in daytrading with sports teams?

If you didn’t know better you’d think was a regular crypto exchange.

Moderate scarcity and wild valuations

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