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Are you in the right career? Ask yourself these questions


Dorie Clark is the author of The Long Game: How To Be A Long-Term Thinker In a Short-Term World.

As our days go by we spend our day answering emails, attending meetings and checking our to-do list. Sometimes, we start to wonder if this is the right job or if there are better things to do with our lives. Instead of focusing on the big questions, we instead focus on what’s happening today or next week.

This book is “The New Book.”The Long Game: How to Be a Long-Term Thinker in a Short-Term WorldDorie Clark, an author and professor of Harvard Business Review published “The Other Way,” this fall. According to her, many people need to think deeper and take a proactive approach about where they are going.

Clark says that there are some who follow paths that can lead to disappointment and regret. Clark also states, “Some people will continue turning back until they make the progress they want.”

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Clark spoke to CNBC about how it is messy to create and maintain a career. This exchange was edited for clarity.

Annie Nova: Your psychology leads us to think too quickly in the short term. Why is this?

Dorie Clark: Oftentimes when we’re faced with a situation where we’re not sure what to do, either because it’s tactically complex — “How do I raise sales by 20% next year?” — or existentially complex — “Should I actually be in this job or doing something else?” — it’s far easier for us to just put our heads down and keep working at the same things we’ve been doing rather than to step back and ask uncomfortable questions.

AN: It seems that we really desire to avoid existential questions.

DCModern Western society has made work an integral part of many lives. Being concerned about our progress or whether we are going the wrong way can make it very difficult.

AN. But, what about the consequences of not doing that reflecting?

DCIt is possible to hit your targets if you are intelligent enough and determined enough. But it may be difficult and tragic when our targets end up being the wrong ones.

AN: Yikes. We can find out earlier rather than later whether our targets were wrong.

DCIt is important to first determine if the goal is intrinsic or external. Do you pursue this goal out of a passion? Or are you following an internalized script based on the consensus of society, others or your own ideas?

AN: How can they pivot from a set of goals to ones that are more their own?

DC: Everyone has to discover their passion. This framing is often paralyzing. If you focus instead on the question “What are you most interested in?” it will be easier to allow yourself to find your passions and talents. During the discovery phase, it’s important to be more relaxed.

AN: What advice do you have for people who believe in themselves but feel uncertain or are struggling?

DCIf we look too intently at the whole task (whether it be writing a novel or getting promoted as senior vice president), it can become overwhelming. If we can move in small steps every day, it will make it easier and keep us focused. It is a question I like to constantly ask: What can I do today that will help make tomorrow more enjoyable or easier?
