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Photos of anti-Covid protests in Europe


One protestor light a smoke bomb at a demonstration by Austria’s extreme-right Freedom Party FPOe, against the Covid pandemic measures, in Maria Theresien Platz, Vienna, Austria, on November 20, 2021.

JOE KLAMAR | AFP | Getty Images

Over the weekend protests against new Covid-19 restrictions rocked Europe, with demonstrations breaking out at places like Brussels, Vienna and Rome.

On Sunday, there were demonstrations in Vienna after Austria entered its fourth national lockdownBecause of the pandemic waves, many people will be asked to work at home or close their non-essential shops.

Over 50,000 protestors marched against measures to stop the Covid-19 pandemic, Vienna, Austria 20 November 2021.

Anadolu Agency | Anadolu Agency | Getty Images

On Nov. 21, protesters gathered in front the Gare Nord in Brussels. According to police, 35,000 protesters gathered in front of the Gare du Nord in Brussels on Nov.21 to oppose Covid Pass. They consider it divisive.

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After tens, of thousands marched through Brussels on Sunday, protesters clashed in Belgium with police. According to police estimates, 35,000 people attended the “Protest For Freedom” march. It was primarily intended for protesting stricter Covid restrictions.

Following violent scenes, dozens of arrests in Rotterdam and thousands gathering in Amsterdam, protests continued to the Netherlands on a third consecutive day.

Rotterdam’s Riots were followed by more trouble in The Hague and reports of disorder elsewhere in the Netherlands.

People marched in protest of new measures against the Covid-19 pandemic. The event was cancelled after violent protests in Rotterdam on November 20, 2021.

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Rotterdam saw over 50 arrests Friday following violent demonstrations, which were described by the mayor as “orgy violence”.

Dutch police used water cannons and fired warning shots, injuring at least two people, after rioters against the country’s partial Covid lockdown — imposed amid surging cases — torched a police car, set off fireworks and hurled rocks at police officers.

The photograph was taken November 20, 2021 and shows bikes that were set on fire by protestors against partial lockdown in Rotterdam, as well as the 2G government’s policy of Rotterdam.

AFP | AFP | Getty Images

Dutch residents are opposed to the lockdown that has seen bars and restaurants close down at 8 pm.

Covid passes are no longer optional. They restrict entry to places like bars and museums to those who have been vaccinated. Protesters oppose government plansTo make Covid mandatory in all sectors of the public’s life. For the time being, Covid laws that are more stringent will continue to be enforced until December 4.

Protest sign against Italy’s Green Pass on November 20-21 in Rome

Getty Images| Corbis News | Getty Images

Covid passes are also fueling protests in Rome, where large crowds gathered this weekend, objecting to the enforcement of Italy’s version of the Covid passport, the “Green Pass,” which became mandatory for all Italian workers on Oct. 15.

Either they must show evidence of vaccinations, negative tests or recent recovery or they may be fired or suspended.

At the Circo Masssimo in Rome, people protested during the demonstration by No Green Pass and No Vax against the Green Pass Covid-19 certificate.

Getty Images| Corbis News | Getty Images

Also, on Saturday thousands of protestors marched through Zagreb, Croatia’s capital. They were against compulsory vaccinations and Covid permits for public sector employees.

Protests against Covid-19 in Zagreb, Croatia are being held by thousands on the 20th of November 2021.

Anadolu Agency | Anadolu Agency | Getty Images

Germany’s politicians have begun to discuss the necessity of mandatory vaccinations. This could lead to protests.

In the last two weeks, the country’s coronavirus seven-day incidence rate hit new highs. However, only 69% of the nation is currently fully vaccinated.

Continue reading: Germany announces new Covid restrictions for the unvaccinated as infection rate hits record

While the federal government has imposed restrictions nationwide on the non-vaccinated this week, legislators from all parties have suggested stricter regulations.
