CEOs across economy agree on one big 2022 prediction: More volatility
CEOs in the entire economy believed that 2022 would be a good year before Covid’s omicron-based variant. Do they believe so?
Recent survey by the Business Roundtable revealed confidence about the outlookbut it was done before any cases of omicron were discovered. On Wednesday, as the first omicron case in the U.S. was revealed in California — a second case from a Minnesota resident who recent travelled to New York City was revealed on Thursday — CNBC Contributor Suzy Welch led a CNBC Leadership ExchangeA virtual roundtable was held with chief executives from various economic sectors in order to measure their confidence, now that Covid is the dominant market.
The CEOs’ message: In 2022, expect volatility to reign again.
Welch stated, “Almost one year ago we said goodbye to 2020…like good riddance.” The year ahead would have given us back our vision into the future and give us a sense that the earth wasn’t moving beneath our feet every minute. But it didn’t occur. The point is that you start to wonder, “What do I have more knowledge?”
On March 18, 2020, a trader worked on the New York Stock Exchange floor as the Dow Jones Industrial Average fell by 1,338.46 point, or more than 6%.
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Danone North America CEO Shane Grant stated that while he’s “very bullish for 2022 in the core business,” he does anticipate volatility as a main theme.
“As 2022 approaches, I believe it is this theme of just volatilty, but it’s not just one type. There is a lot of volatility within our supply chains. Everything from input availability to capacity, transportation and labor. Grant explained that it’s an accordion economy, which is a stop-and go system and requires adaptations.
Welch declared, “The trend going forward is simply volatility in everything.”
Covid won’t end
Welch and many other leaders had expressed hope for an end to Covid by 2022.
I think that we all knew there were employees or family members asking when it would end. “I think we all had it, we all had employees and family members who said, ‘When is it going to stop?'” She explained.
According to Dr. Marlow Hernandez (CEO of Covid), Covid will not end in 2022. Cano HealthThe senior health-care provider, He replied, “No. Sorry.” It’s transmissible because it keeps changing.”
According to him, he came to this downbeat conclusion after looking at vaccination levels in industrialized countries and, increasingly, around the globe. This doesn’t necessarily mean that there are new lockdowns and stay-at home orders, but it does indicate that Covid is part of a new normal. Hernandez explained that while we have a good understanding of the virus, it’s more similar to smallpox and hepatitis than flu.
Covid is a tremendous asset to the logistics industry, but Mike Parra, CEO at global logistics company Deutsche Post DHL Group worries about the unknown.
“Covid-19 started in China and then we saw it move towards the Americas. Now we are starting to see it happen. We know this, so we anticipate it. “We had been planning to provide summer relief for this region where we believed that vaccination would eliminate Covid-19. This was through increased awareness and the delivery of vaccines,” he stated.
Deutsche Post DHL has helped deliver 1.3 billion vaccines in 120 countries.
Parra stated, “And now… we’re about enter this new stage of the unknown.” Then we get back to Europe’s cycles of possible lockdowns. China has a strict policy regarding Covid elimination. “… You have restrictions in flight, but you also have an impact on transportation.”
He said that the fear of running out is embedded into today’s supply chains. Companies are moving from “just in time,” which was what it used be, to “just in case,” which it is now.
An already fragile supply chain which has caused price increases will be more volatile.
Air freight is still far from full capacity. “Ocean freight is more difficult, although the piers and ports work 24/7. But there’s still an enormous backlog,” Parra stated. Everyone is pushing towards air cargo, capacity for air cargo and airline capacity. He said that depending on how omicron goes…based on our experience, it is going to place incredible pressure on air travel.”
Dr. Hernandez stated that “the pandemic was far from over” and that omicron remains a threat. He cited the fact there are mutations to the spike protein which could increase its transmissibility and resistance to vaccines.
“I am concerned about all of my patients. He said that 80% of CANO’s patients are from the “underserved”. “During Covid-19 we have seen the dysfunctional U.S. medical system. He said that we have seen the largest drop in life expectancy rates since World War II.
Simplicating business models in the face of volatility
Covid has left some industries in severe trouble. However, they see the opportunities to embrace the volatility and try to make it a normal.
Damola Adamolekun (CEO, restaurant company P.F.) stated that volatility will likely continue. Chang’s.
In April 2020, he became the CEO of the restaurant company after a transition from his role as an investor.
Adamolekun stated that his life has been “completely Covid” as a CEO. He said that one of his greatest moves was to “simplify as much as possible”
“With all the uncertainty and the change, as well as the constant adapting rules by place, municipality and state with all that volatility in our environment, it was vital that we simplify what we can within our business so that it is balanced to the greatest extent possible.”
This led to menu simplification and other changes which are now a strategy being used across restaurant companies.
He said, “Do more with less.” He said, “Do more with less.”
Adamolekun stated that he still sees growth in the tech side, both for consumers and companies, as well as forced adoption of technology, like QR codes to help with menus.
He said that if the company can keep making the digital business more profitable while welcoming back customers to its restaurants, then it will be a great opportunity to increase overall unit volume. This trend was something he believes the company is seeing towards the end.
Judy Marks was also able to use Covid to help restructure a business. Otis WorldwideUnited Technologies created the elevator and the escalator maker titled “Elevator Maker” in the middle Covid.
Marks stated that they explored each step and simplified it from the perspective of a 168 year-old historical record. We did everything for the first time in Covid. Let’s look at every day in a Covid environment as precedents.
Ellen Kullman (CEO of Carbon 3-D printing) stated that “My concern” is that people would like to see the status quo restored. She feared for her safety and understanding.
Grant explained that simplifying business operations is also important for routines at work. It’s important to create simplicity for the business, and our employees to manage that volatility. We can make it easier for people to manage the volatility inherent in the macros.
Volatility places greater demands upon employees.
Beware of the Great Resignation
Expected volatility in the labor market will make it more difficult for CEOs to manage their fears about the Great Resignation, how to retain and recruit employees and other concerns.
In many industries, labor has been a major problem. The restaurant industry is tops on that list. Employers need to compete in a shrinking labor market. Adamolekun stated, “It’s something that keeps our eyes up at night in restaurant business.”
Many CEOs are concerned about the hiring and retention of employees in even less vulnerable industries.
Welch stated that “what we are all experiencing… is very different levels of volatility fatigue within our teams and actually ebbs, flows.” You might have your core team who are saying “oh, yeah, volatility is normal. Let’s just do it, let us go. Sometimes.” Sometimes, you might have decision fatigued key personnel who have to make decisions.
Grant stated that the “war on talent” in 2022 will only get worse. Grant said that it was about implementing game-changing personnel policies such as gender neutral parental leave for frontline workers and corporate employees. It’s all about institutionalized flexibility. True commitment to diversity is what it’s all about. He said that he believes those are the true distinguishing factors in this battle for talent by 2022.”
Jane Park is the chief executive officer of Athena Consumer, a women-led, special purpose acquisition organization. She said that she was still worried about the Great Resignation’s effect on the number of women employed. Park spoke out citing McKinsey/Deloitte data indicating that 3/5 women in today’s workforce say they are not going to be the same position in 2 years. “Every company needs to seriously consider retention. This is not just about the fact that five-times as many women have left the workforce than we had previously, more than a million. It’s possible that even more is lost due to the difficulties of working motherhood, especially with children,” she stated.
Park doesn’t believe that there will be any immediate solutions to the workforce crisis. The solutions are not coming quickly enough, regardless of how complex they may be. It is unlikely that 2022 will bring any changes to the lives of these women. She said, “We’re at our lowest point in terms of women working in the workforce in over 30 years.”
“The No. “The Great Resignation is my number one thing that keeps me awake,” Parra stated. We are seeing that people desire to control their own future more than ever, as so much is happening around them.
It is related to the fatigue levels he sees in his employees.
We are closely watching the space. “The future of work is being activated… If we aren’t flexible enough people will say, “Well, this organization is no longer where I want to live or work. Because they don’t care about my priorities.” Parra said.
Chief executives worry about finding the perfect balance between workers who can work remotely and those working in the office.
“We hope to get back to normalcy in how we interact with our employees. “We’re keeping our fingers crossed,” Pedro Pizarro said, President and CEO. Edison International. A CEO with a large portion of its workforce at the frontlines, on power lines and an important corporate staff that worked remotely, he said, ““The hybrid model of employees keeps me awake at night.
Parra stated, “They desire that flexibility. Parra stated that they don’t like to commute. Parra stated that they do not want to travel two hours by public transport, nor to be stuck in traffic. Over the years they have proven they can make great online sales.
Carbon Kullman explained that no meeting days or “random days off” have been instituted due to Carbon’s worries about fatigue and frustration within the workforce.
Staying ahead or falling behind in times of crisis
There have been surprising signs of resilience and unexpected ways that companies have achieved success despite the Covid wave.
Marks says cities are resilient.
“Urbanization overtook infectious diseases in a number of ways,” she said. She said that urbanization continues in the U.S. and globally.
China will require eight additional New York Cities to achieve its goal of reaching 65% urban density.
Marks stated, “Cities have returned, but they are not going back,”
Otis Worldwide witnessed a dramatic shift towards digital sales in urbanization markets that was not expected by the CEO. Marks explained that “Nobody believed we would actually be able to sell a life-saving device like an elevator online in a completely digital mode and configure it. And we are doing that right now with our entry level line here in India.”
But there is significant risk for any company that expects a return to a former state of normal, said Hassane El-Khoury, CEO of chip company Onsemi.
His business supplies auto manufacturers and he believes 2022 will mark a turning point in auto manufacturing.
El-Khoury stated that it is the exact same time the automotive industry has gone through the transition to electric cars. It’s not all about technology. The key to success is the ability to take a new path. … Others are patiently waiting for the old norm to return, so that they can continue doing what they have always done. Some people accept the current state and embrace the disruption.
The disruption mindset is a method of approaching problems and solving problems “that they don’t even know exist” He stated that companies that are likely to succeed use it. They are certain they will.
Adamolekun also sees similar divisions in the restaurant sector.
There are two main camps in the restaurant industry. Some people see this as temporary and need to be dealt with. Let’s work out how to deliver for the period so that we don’t have to worry about it again. There are others who, I believe, saw this as an acceleration of things that were already happening. “We just got to the future quicker.”
The changes that are permanent will make it so the businesses in this group are likely to be the best performing in the coming year. QR codes have been successful in restaurants even though the customer demographics are older. The companies that are still hoping for the same things will end up in a loss.
“I think that’s going to be an trend that you’re gonna notice not just next year but moving forward here as well, as we continue living with Covid instead of defeating it,” he stated.