These countries have the lowest Covid vaccination rates in the world
An employee of the healthcare system administers the Covid-19 vaccine, to a female in Johannesburg, South Africa on December 4, 2021.
Sumaya Hisham | Reuters
According to data, Haiti, Burundi, and the Democratic Republic of Congo have the lowest levels of vaccination against Covid-19.
Our World in Data statistics show that only 0.5% of Burundi’s population have had at least one Covid shot.
1.4% of people in DR Congo have received at least one dose. In Haiti, that number is around 1%.
According to Our World in Data, only 5.5% have received full vaccination against coronavirus in low-income countries. 72% have been fully vaccinated in high-income nations with at minimum two doses.
Countries where civil unrest or conflict is ongoing are among the least vaccined countries in the world. This is because it’s difficult to get vaccines into their populations.
Yemen has a population of less than 2 percent that has received vaccinations against Covid. Civil war in Yemen has been ongoing since 2014. South Sudan has an average vaccination rate of 2%, despite the fact that there are ongoing disputes about power sharing even though it ended its civil war in 2018.
Low vaccination rates are common in many African countries, such as Chad, Madagascar, and Tanzania. Their immunization rates vary from 1.5% to 4.4%.
South Africa is the first country to have the transmissible Omicron virus strain identified. It has only vaccinated one-third its inhabitants.
In the Caribbean, less than one third of people have received vaccinations against Covid in Saint Lucia, Saint Vincent, and Saint Vincent.
WHO set October a target to ensure that 70% of countries vaccinate their population by 2022. many countries are falling behind. Last week, WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus said Covid could cease to be a global health emergency in 2022 if certain actions — including ensuring equitable access to vaccines — were taken.
Mesfin Tessema is the senior director for health of the humanitarian aid organisation the International Rescue Committee. He told CNBC that vaccination inequity only perpetuates the pandemic.
He stated via email that “every infection increases the chance of serious diseases, hospitalizations for the most vulnerable and mutation, and so the likelihood of new varieties.”
We must build a global barrier of vaccination to protect vulnerable health systems and save lives. Access must be prioritized for those in crisis, such as refugees or people living outside the reach government services.