Barclays picks Graham Warner as Americas head of International Corporate Banking -Breaking

(Reuters) – Barclays Graham appointed (NYSE:) Warner by (LON.) PLC Deutsche Bank (DE) As Americas Head of International Corporate Banking (ICB) Unit, According to a Statement by British Multinational Bank on Tuesday.
Warner will assume his new position at Barclays as the Americas cash management head. He has been with Deutsche for 13 years.
Before that, he worked with Citigroup Inc (NYSE 🙂 has operated for eighteen years and is responsible for its transaction services as well as commercial banking, private wealth, and financial divisions.
Warner at Barclays is responsible for the execution and strategy of ICB Americas. It provides solutions and services for large financial, institutional and corporate clients.
Warner will reside in New York City and report to Phil Bowkley (ICB’s overall chief).
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