6 Questions for Alex Wilson of The Giving Block -Breaking
Six Questions from Alex Wilson, The Giving Block
Our weekly feature is this week: Six Questions to go Alex Wilson is co-founder and CEO of The Giving Block, a cryptocurrency donation platform that allows charities and nonprofits to raise funds and use other crypto currencies.
Alex was a cofounder of The Giving Block. Shift4 is Alex’s company. The Giving Block is the leading platform for crypto-philanthropy. They make it simple to accept and raise cryptocurrency funds. Donors can also give crypto to charity of their choice. Alex is responsible for overseeing The Giving Block’s expansion in many areas including technology innovation and crypto- and financial partnership development, as well as institutional giving.
1. What’s the most difficult challenge in your industry?
2 How do people react when you inform them that your are in the Blockchain industry?
3 Did you ever buy a nonfungible token before? 3 What did you buy?
Four Which of the following superpowers would most appeal to you? And how could you use them together for good or ill?
5. Tell us about hidden talent, and we’ll send you a link.
6 Are there any talents you are lacking that you wish you could have? What would you do with it if it were yours?