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EOS Falls 10% In Selloff -Breaking


EOS Sales Drop 10% – The Index was down 10.38% to $0.9579 on Monday at 23:04 GMT (03:04 GMT). It represented the worst one-day percentage decline since May 11.

EOS’s market capital fell to $973.5627M or 0.09% from the overall cryptocurrency market cap. EOS’s total market capital was $17.5290B at its peak.

EOS traded between $0.9579 and $1.0440 over the past 24 hours.

EOS’s value has dropped 24.77% in the past seven trading days. EOS volume was traded at $344.6571M in the 24 hour period. This is 0.37% less than the overall volume for all cryptocurrency. In the last 7 days, it traded between $0.9579 and $1.3240.

EOS currently trades at 95.83% of its original $22.98 high on April 29, 2018, which was set by EOS.

Other cryptocurrency trading

Last at $25.116.9 according to the Index. This was 8.20% lower than the previous day.

It traded at $1320.40 on Index. This is a 8.95% loss.

Bitcoin’s last market capital was $485.3755B, or 47.14%. Ethereum’s total market capital totaled $162.9060B (or 15.82%) of total cryptocurrency market value.
