7 Mistakes to Avoid When Beginning a Home Improvement Project
You’ve probably heard your friends and family moan and groan about how stressful a home renovation can be. But, it doesn’t have to be that way for you. Learning from the mistakes of others can help you avoid a lot of the stress that typically comes with the home improvement process. Here are seven common mistakes to avoid when beginning your home renovation.
1. Being Unrealistic About Your Budget
Money is often the main source of stress in any home renovation project. Set yourself up for success from the start by creating a realistic budget. That means you need to over-inflate your costs by increasing your budget by at least 20 percent. This will allow room for mistakes and surprise expenses along the way.
2. Rushing the Process
A home improvement project is one of the biggest expenses you’ll ever have. Don’t rush the process. Take several months to think about what you want the space to look like, how you want to improve efficiency, and how the project will flow with the rest of the house.
3. Not Comparing Contractors
Even if you meet a great contractor, it’s wise not to hire the first one you come across. Spend time evaluating several contractors, then choose the one that has the best reputation, portfolio, and pricing, as well as terms of the contract.
4. Drastically Changing the Style of the Home
The more you want to change in your home, the more money it will cost you. So unless you have unlimited funds, it’s best to embrace the architectural style of the house. Drastically changing the style in one room will make it look out of place.
5. Choosing an Overly Trendy Design
Trends come and go, so if you choose overly trendy designs, you may be wishing to re-do the whole thing again in 5-10 years. Save yourself the money and headache by choosing timeless designs that will stand the test of time. One thing you should also consider aside from design is the size of the furniture as bulky ones tend to eat up space and every home needs every inch of that storage space.
6. Not Considering Functionality
Surely you want to enhance the aesthetics of your home, but have you thought about functionality? Before you install that gorgeous corner pantry or upgrade to real hardwood, make sure your choices fit with your needs and lifestyle.
7. Selecting the Wrong Financing
You have many options when it comes to financing your home renovation, and choosing the best plan can be overwhelming. Eliminate the stress by getting financing directly through your contractor. Companies like Enerbank offer home improvement financing for contractors, making it easier than ever to get the flexible, affordable payment plan you’re seeking.
Starting Your Home Improvement Project
Now that you know about some of the most common renovation mistakes, you’re ready to move forward with your home improvement project. Take your time, select the right contractor, and be smart about your financing options. Soon you’ll be on the other side, soaking up life in a more beautiful, functional home.