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Safaricom confirms $300 million Kenya Power smart meter proposal By Reuters


© Reuters. FILEPHOTO: This is a man walking past Safaricom, Kenya’s largest mobile telecom provider. It was November 15, 2015. REUTERS/Noor Khamis/File Photo

NAIROBI (Reuters) – Kenyan telecoms operator Safaricom,, said on Friday it had submitted a proposal to Kenya Power for the installation of a $300 million smart meter system at the utility, confirming documents seen by Reuters.

In a statement, the telecoms company stated that they were still waiting on feedback from Kenya Power. It also said it planned to install the smart meter system and maintain it for an additional eight years before handing it over to Kenya Power.

This utility is East Africa’s main power distributor and suffers annual losses of 23.46 percent on its transmission network. That is well beyond the international benchmark of 15%.

It stated that Safaricom’s proposed system would use Internet of Things technology, which allows for real-time grid monitoring, in order to decrease losses by eight percent in just two years.

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