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Basement Dwellers — A NFT Platform Inspired by Meme Culture By CoinQuora


Basement Dwellers — A NFT Platform Inspired by Meme Culture
  • Basement Dwellers is a NFT that was inspired by gaming stereotypes and meme culture.
  • Team members plan to release 10,000 random NFTs derived from over 200 distinct traits.
  • Their mission is? To sell enough digital art to make it out of their mom’s basement. And charity.

Basement Dwellers will be an NFT-project that’s inspired by gaming stereotypes and meme culture. Their goal? To sell enough digital art to make it out of their mom’s basement. And charity. On a serious note, they’ll be investing sales proceeds towards giveaways for NFT holders (including custom gaming PCs and gaming consoles) as well as towards “sweeping the floor” to raise the minimum market value of each Basement Dweller NFT.

The timing of their launch is perfect as NFTs have seen a surge in popularity over the past few months. OpenSea sales often exceed $100 million each day.

Basement Dwellers also looks for stars. The team has a wide range of talents.

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