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CoinQuora Exclusive Interview — Allen Wei, CEO of LBank By CoinQuora


CoinQuora Exclusive Interview — Allen Wei, CEO of LBank

Allen Wei serves as the CEO and founder of LBank. LBank is among the most popular top 50 cryptocurrency exchanges according to CoinMarketCap. A professional IT developer, he is also a passionate entrepreneur. LBank is his goal to reach more countries.

Allen was asked questions by the CoinQuora team to get to know them, LBank and his views on the industry. Without further ado, here’s the interview.

Q. We would like to know a bit more about you.

All, good morning. Allen Wei, the LBank exchange’s CEO is my name. In 2015, before I created the LBank exchange, I worked in IT development. The whitepaper of Bitcoin and its blockchain is one of the most interesting technologies that I’ve read. I was inspired by it to create a team for the development of the exchange.

Q. Q.

LBank Global Conference 2021 has been one of the highlights for this year. One of the primary goals of this conference is to expand LBank’s global reach. Dubai has a lot to offer international business…

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