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Why ‘stay interviews’ are the next big trend of the Great Resignation


Businesses have been on an hiring frenzy during this period. Great Resignation of 2021Many offer signing bonuses and lower their standards of qualifications. boomerang employeesLooking at them more closely.enthusiastic stayers.”

Retention efforts are heating up and you will likely hear more about the “stay interview”.

It is the antithesis of an exit interviewStay interviews are not about asking employees why they quit, but rather focus on their motivations to stay, how their experience at work has been, and what their future plans for the company.

Brooks Holtom, a Georgetown management professor says that although stay interviews aren’t new they are becoming more common as companies ramp up retention efforts in the face of record turnover. These interviews might be more common as we approach the end of the year review season.

He says CNBC Make ItManagers should ask their staff to share the following: “Help me understand your situation, your goals, and how we can work together in the New Year to ensure you are thriving.”

This is how you can help your star employees stay engaged by using the Stay Interview.

Interviews with Stay are casual conversations

Ricklyn Woods, a career consultant and HR consultant, states that the interview for a stay should be casual and conversational.

If workers feel safe and secure, they will share their feelings about work. They will also feel that they will not be retaliated against or censored.

Woods states that managers must be open to being vulnerable. You’ll want to know from your employee what they enjoy about work, but also what could be better — including some areas where you as a manager can improve.

Also, it should not be an interview but more of a conversation. Woods suggests that you don’t ask too many questions to your employees asking for their opinions on improvement. Instead, offer your perspective.

Employee motivation and personal circumstance fluctuate through the year so stay interviews should occur periodically, and not just during performance seasons.

Questions to ask during a Stay Interview

Woods suggests that stay interviews focus on the employee’s feelings about their work, how valuable they are, and how they feel in the company. You shouldn’t share information about your to-dos, projects or progress.

To prepare for the discussion ahead of time, it can be helpful to ask workers starter questions.

Some common questions are:

  • You are excited to go to work.
  • Feel satisfied about your work’s impact?
  • Do you desire to do more at work? Less?
  • Are you optimistic about the future of your company? Are things different or the same?
  • How would you manage your team if given the opportunity?

Find out what could cause your employees to leave.

Managers must ask employees, especially during Great Resignation.

Do you feel your employees deserve more recognition? Would they be willing to leave the company for a better job or a raise in pay? Maybe they’re having a hard time understanding what the next step in their career would be with the company and are interested in opportunities that just don’t exist internally — yet.

As a supervisor, it’s your job to bring this feedback to the larger organization to see how you can provide the tools, resources or opportunities your employee isn’t currently getting, such as a clear sense of purpose, stretch assignments, fair wages or greater flexibility.

If you are not proactive in initiating a stay interview conversation, don’t be surprised that your employee does.

Woods states that employees are now in season and highly sought-after in the scheme of things. We have more power now than ever before. It’s crucial for employees to see this and to advocate for their own success and that of the company.

What managers can do to stay accountable
