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Sarah Palin seeks new trial, judge’s disqualification in NY Times case -Breaking


© Reuters. FILEPHOTO: Sarah Palin is the 2008 Republican vice-presidential candidate for Alaska and a former governor of Alaska. She exits from the court as she fights against New York Times in a defamation case. The United States Courthouse is located in Manhattan, New York City. U.S.A. Feb

NEW YORK (Reuters] – Sarah Palin was the former U.S. vice president candidate and asked for a new trial on Monday. After losing her defamation suit against the New York Times earlier in the month, she also requested the disqualification of the judge.

Palin’s legal team stated last week that they were going to take such steps due to push notifications sent out by several jurors on their smartphones about U.S. district Judge Jed Rakoff’s decision not only regarding their verdict but also the dismissal of the case.

Jurors rejected the argument of the Republican ex-Alaska governor that her newspaper and her former editor had defamed her. In a June 2017 editorial, which incorrectly connected her to an attack on Gabby Giffords in 2011, six people were killed and several others injured in the mass shooting. It was corrected within 24 hours.

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