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How to avoid front runners on decentralized crypto exchanges -Breaking


How to Avoid Front-Runners in Decentralized Crypto Exchanges

DEXs are decentralized exchangesMany issues regarding their central counterparts like concentration of liquidity, compromise of funds in cases of security breaches, closed control structure, and others, were nipped in the bud. Front-running is a problem that refuses to go away. Front-running is a method by which unscrupulous traders are being deceived.

You have not received what you expected, Place a trade on the DEXYou are at risk of being hit by frontrunners. They are bad actors Make use of the automated market maker (AMM).Profits at the expense and profit maximization of unsuspecting traders is the model

Make large liquidity pool investments

Limit slippage to a minimum

Don’t pay too much for gas

Place a low-value order

Look for a taker

Matching in a flash

Match engine decentralized

Matching periodic auctions