Adults Who Take Calcium Supplements Might Enjoy Improvement in Bone Mineral Density
There is no denying the fact that calcium is an important mineral which is necessary for bone health and density. Lack of calcium is what exposes our body to various bone diseases such as osteoporosis and arthritis.
According to the best doctor in Karachi, taking supplements in the early years of life can help with the reduced risk of diseases in the later stages of life such as bone risks and bone deformities.
What is Osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis is a disease in which the bones become fragile and porous because of low bone density, it can become a major health concern in the later stages of life. This disease can make the bones easy to break and might lead to severe fractures in the hip and joint area.
It is a condition that is more common in women who are older or beyond the age of 40. It can be due to various hormonal changes or due to severe deficiency of vitamin D and calcium in the body.
The Recent Study
In a recent study, a team of researchers from Wenzhou Medical University have studies on randomized controlled trials to compare the levels of calcium and vitamin D in adults who are younger than 35. The main focus of this study was to research bone mineral density.
The total study group contained 7,300 participants. The study group spun over 43 studies and was curiously focused on the changes in bone mineral content and bone density changes in the given below areas:
- Lumbar spine
- Femoral neck
- Total hip
The Metrics of Measuring Bone Health
One of the basic measures for bone mineral density is often a test. A human body goes through a range of visible or invisible changes in mineral bone density during various stages of life. The study has researched that people who are actively taking supplements under 35 can enjoy better and improved bone health in the femoral neck, total body and spine.
According to dr Joan Marie Lappe who is serving as an associate dean at Nursing Research at the Osteoporosis Research Center at Creighton University said that
“Younger persons need adequate calcium intake to build and maintain strong bones. In the analysis, both calcium supplement and dietary calcium studies were included. Dietary calcium is the best source, but supplements should be taken as needed to achieve the recommended intake level.”
Link Between Calcium and Strong Bones
It is not only the supplements that help with bone density improvement it is also the food that aids in the whole process. Dr Lappe also commented that
“Previous research and human calcium physiology inform us that without adequate calcium intake, the body takes calcium from the bone to be used for other vital functions. Research also shows that peak bone mass is the best predictor of osteoporotic fractures in older adults. Thus, attaining the maximum peak mass provides protection against osteoporosis.
Lily Chapman who is a nutritionist and even though was not involved in the research said that
“Studies have shown consistently that either increasing dietary calcium intake or including calcium supplementation can help to increase peak bone mass/content/density and reduce bone loss.”
But she also pointed out that “Age leads to accelerated bone density loss, accompanied with microstructural alterations. Knowing the current strain on healthcare systems and the growing importance of a proactive and preventative approach to [the] health and fitness industry, this research plays an important part in being the first meta-analysis I am aware of to focus on age before achieving peak bone mass.”
She also commented on the “Significant improvement effects of calcium supplements were found on both bone mineral density and bone mineral content, especially at the femoral neck. This is a promising find, as people who develop a higher peak bone mass when younger are likely to be better protected against issues such as osteoporosis and related fractures later in life.”
The Future Prospects
The researchers were also quick to highlight some of the drawbacks such as the men vs women existing data clashes. Secondly the study data consisted of an age range between 20 to 35 years of age. Chapman said that
“With this, it is therefore warranted for more studies to investigate the age group of 20–35 to help consolidate these findings, as this is a period of life where bone mineral density peaks. But overall, a promising area of research that poses several strengths, mainly due to it being one of the first meta-analyses of its kind!”